Canton Christian Academy uses the following to instruct our various grades. As a Christian private school, it is our duty to instruct Biblical truths and accerlerated academics. Each curriculum has its own benefits which is why we use several. Additionally, the curriculum authors define their approach best so the following are excerpts from the various sites.
Bob Jones University:
BJU is committed to creating academically rigorous textbooks.
What is academic rigor?
We define academic rigor as the educational experience that engages students in content appropriate to their academic level and helps them learn to analyze, evaluate, and ultimately create.
Every class students take should challenge them to learn and to connect what they are learning with other subject material. English and math classes, for example, should not be viewed as entirely unrelated. Students should understand how concepts they learn in one subject are related to concepts learned in another subject.
Why is academic rigor important?
Academic rigor is necessary for students to compete in the global market. More and more employers are looking for employees who can innovate, develop, and especially think; and students must keep up to succeed. Students must be equipped to think critically so that they can apply what they have learned to their personal and professional lives.
How do we ensure academic rigor in our textbooks?
Research. Our textbook writers research educational practices, scope and sequence, and appropriate academic standards. By understanding the best educational practices and standards, they are able to make sure that all of our textbooks are accurate and thorough.
Student materials contain descriptive text and questions that promote thinking. Photos, illustrations, maps, charts, and other media are employed to promote deeper understanding of subject matter. Teacher's editions have clear instructions to help teachers encourage learning; additional information is included for teachers to expand classroom discussions, introduce other ideas, and more.
All of the research we do helps us create materials that promote academic rigor for you and your students. So when you pick up one of our textbooks, it should be easy for you to see where these learning opportunities are.
How do I make my classroom academically rigorous?
The key is to remember that your students should be thinking and be actively engaged with the material—not passive. Lessons should be interesting yet challenging students to think at their level, but with just enough challenge to push them out of their comfort zone. Group projects, hands-on learning activities, and creative problem-solving are all great ways to promote this deeper thinking and learning.
We believe that educational products should be biblically based.
Most Christian educators agree that the Bible should be central to Christian education. However, Christian educators often struggle to show students how the Bible is relevant to the subjects they teach. As a result, many decide to push the Bible to the margin of the educational experience.
At BJU Press, we define biblical integration as Christian worldview shaping. The Christian worldview is best expressed in the biblical story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption. Taking these three events as the lenses through which to look at education, we see that faith and learning are bound together and that the Christian faith must govern the educational experience.
Who is Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc.?
We are the #1 publisher of creation-based science and Bible curriculum with more than fifty top awards from homeschool parents and media. The resources we publish and services we provide are designed to help homeschooling families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith. That’s who we are.
Why do we do this work?
The answer is threefold. One, we believe in homeschooling. Two, we believe that every follower of Jesus must be prepared to defend the Christian faith. And three, we believe that every academic subject can and should be taught from a biblical worldview. That is why we do what we do.
So just what does Apologia do?
Well, we publish creation-based science curriculum for grades K–12, Bible worldview curriculum for six to fourteen year olds, Apologetics for high school students, language arts curriculum, Constitutional Literacy for high school students, and practical resources for homeschooling families including the Ultimate Planners for moms, teens, and students. We also publish books that provide encouragement, advice, and vision to succeed on the homeschooling journey.
Apologia Online Academy offers interactive courses in science, Bible, worldview, and apologetics in a live virtual classroom. All our instructors are outstanding in their fields. You can check out our classes here.
We organize Real Refreshment Retreats and Evenings of Real Refreshment for homeschooling moms. These live events affirm, encourage, challenge, and inspire moms and provide a place to celebrate the journey with others in the homeschooling community.
Apologia also hosts the annual Homeschool Teacher Appreciate Day, featuring games, contests, giveaways, free downloads, radio interviews, podcasts, webinars, and panel discussions. We plan to keep this spring tradition going for years to come! After all, a homeschooling mom makes many sacrifices for her family and needs to know that she is appreciated. Get details and join in on the fun here.
We invite you to visit Apologia World, our online social network. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. At the Apologia Blog you can read valuable articles and stay connected with everything Apologia. Sign up to receive our Apologia World e-newsletter here.
That’s a nice list of what we do. So how do we do it?
We produce content that is written to the student in an engaging conversational style. Our textbooks are academically sound, rigorous, and college-prep. Each one is also Christ-centered and creation-based and adheres to a biblical worldview. Our books are beautifully designed inside and out and manufactured using the highest-quality materials.
To close, let me reiterate why we do what we do. At Apologia we believe in homeschooling, we believe in defending the Christian faith, and we believe that every subject can and should be taught from a biblical worldview.
Now you know who we are, what we do, how we do it, and most importantly, why we do what we do.
What Does “Apologia” Mean?
You might be wondering where our company name originated. The Greek word apologia appears eight times in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, and it is always used in the context of people defending their faith or actions by reason and logic. In 1 Peter 3:15, for example: But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.
Apologia Educational Ministries exists to help homeschooling families equip their students to give a reasoned defense of the Christian faith. To do this Apologia develops curriculum to help families cultivate a biblically sound approach to all thought and experience. In addition, Apologia publishes resources for parents to help them create an environment of learning that is best suited for each individual child.
In all these things Apologia is equipping families to defend the historic Christian faith so that they may speak the truth in love anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
Purposeful Design:
A brief history of publishing at ACSI
In 1978, ACSI was founded. Dr. Paul Kienel and Dr. Roy Lowrie, prolific writers and ACSI's first executives, began providing resources to educators and parents to help them understand the rapidly growing Christian school movement.
In the mid-1980s, the demand for relevant, high quality Christian textbooks and resources skyrocketed. ACSI entered the arena intentionally and eagerly, despite two prominent publishers already crowding the industry.
In 2003, ACSI rebranded its publishing division as Purposeful Design Publications, reflecting the Association’s commitment to provide resources that honor and glorify a purposeful God and meet the instructional needs of Christian school educators and students.
Today, Purposeful Design Publications exists:
To equip teachers with the very best textbooks and resources for their classroom;
To inspire educators and students to be lifelong learners, spiritually and academically; and
To serve the Christian school movement effectively.
MATH (available for Kindergarten through Middle School)
Guide your child(ren) through the world of mathematics with learning-based activities to teach concepts, problem solving, and reasoning. With an interdisciplinary approach and a strong emphasis on skill development, Purposeful Design Math prepares your children for higher concepts. (Click the textbooks to the left for more information.)
SPELLING (available for Grades 1-6)
Spelling and reading are crucial to today's constant communication. Increase your child's confidence in spelling through engaing lessons and different types of whiting activities that pave the way to greater reading comprehension and handwriting skills. (Click the textbooks to the right for more information.)
BIBLE (available for Preschool through High School)
Dive into foundational biblical teachings about the nature and character of God, the qualities of His people,a nd the role of His church. Using Scripture memorization and vivid illustrations, the Purposeful Design Bible series connects your child(ren) to the powerful truths of God's living Word. (Click on the textbooks to the left for more information.)
SCIENCE (available for Grades 1-9)
Integrate the Word of God with the study of His world. Numerous labs, projects, and hands-on activities help your child(ren) explore new concepts, while discussion points create opportunities for critical thinking. Equipping with a cohesive biblical worldview, your children will learn to engage unfamilair ideas - while also standing strong to their faith. (Click on the textbooks to the right for more information.)
HEALTH (available for Middle School and High School)
Help your teen deal with the unique challengese of growing up. Through personal testimonies, honest questions about life, and the timeless truths of Scripture, Purposeful Design Total Health offers clear answers to your teens as they deal with a confusing, frustrating transision from childhood to maturity. (Click on the textbooks to the left for more information.)